Notices eProcurement System Government of Haryana
The eProcurement System of Haryana enables the Tenderers to download the Tender Schedule free of cost and then submit the bids online through this portal.
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Latest Tenders  
Tender Title Reference No Closing Date Bid Opening Date
1. JOBNO.HSVP/AMB/2024-25/E-464 2025B7E2F45E DEC5 4D16 8059 045BC8EAE955239HSV 21-Jan-2025 05:05 PM 22-Jan-2025 03:00 PM
2. Providing and Laying RCC Pi... 20251BC3D0E3 1C59 44E4 A6AC DBCC0A498760379ULB 23-Jan-2025 05:00 PM 24-Jan-2025 09:00 AM
3. Village Mandokhra Block Bab... 20255C4BC3B6 9113 44B2 9507 9ED15B4FF049694DEV 22-Jan-2025 05:00 PM 23-Jan-2025 10:00 AM
4. A Mtc Sewerage Scheme Jakha... 20257C100555 E9F5 4B07 891A 517D1E8E7090585PUH 24-Jan-2025 02:00 PM 24-Jan-2025 02:05 PM
5. VILLAGE -JALALUDIN MAJRA,... 20257888D0AD CFF3 42FB 80F2 D8FFA8CED029694DEV 22-Jan-2025 05:00 PM 23-Jan-2025 10:00 AM
6. Providing, Repair and maintenance of various Slabs/pulias/Crossing/Nalla at various places for drainage works in Municipal Council Kalka 20258DFFD58D 8F24 4EF3 988A FFFF0E2617511819ULB 27-Jan-2025 05:00 PM 28-Jan-2025 04:00 PM
7. Installation of MS Steel Jali buil up section with CC grouting at various locations at village Dagroli (GP) 2025B0705A0A 662B 4A52 89E9 C4860269436F2031DEV 24-Jan-2025 11:00 AM 24-Jan-2025 02:00 PM
8. Installation of Iron welcome gate on Dadri Satnali road at village Dagroli (GP) 20252DD5683F 9964 46FA A841 74F3A924E5EA2031DEV 24-Jan-2025 11:00 AM 24-Jan-2025 02:00 PM
9. Construction of IPB street from Surender Garden to SBS School at village Badhwana ( Scheme - D-plan) 2025C35A1BA1 8C6C 4DE9 8AB3 253FE4E7ADD52031DEV 24-Jan-2025 11:00 AM 24-Jan-2025 02:00 PM
10. Estimate for R /W Arrangeme... 20252225D9C4 1E3E 4B02 8BDE E4044DF5F12A597PUH 27-Jan-2025 05:00 PM 28-Jan-2025 03:00 PM
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Latest Corrigendums
Corrigendum Title Reference No Closing Date Bid Opening Date
1. date 16.01.25 20251145D225 3CA2 4452 AED1 963A6E7E7EC0747ULB 20-Jan-2025 05:00 PM 21-Jan-2025 11:00 AM
2. Clause Corrigendum RFP/PPC/Karnal/DEC/1 29-Jan-2025 05:00 PM 30-Jan-2025 11:30 AM
3. Clause Corrigendum RFP/PPC/PANIPAT/DEC/1 29-Jan-2025 03:00 PM 30-Jan-2025 12:00 PM
4. DUE DATE EXTENSION POM-13945 Supply of Wheel Loader 04-Feb-2025 01:00 PM 07-Feb-2025 03:00 PM
5. Technical Corrigendum PS/Tend/2024/24405 30-Jan-2025 04:00 PM 31-Jan-2025 12:00 PM
6. Corrigendum 74/6-A dated 10.01.2025 22-Jan-2025 02:00 PM 22-Jan-2025 03:00 PM
7. Corrigendum 74/6-A dated 10.01.2025 22-Jan-2025 02:00 PM 22-Jan-2025 03:00 PM
8. Corrigendum-II for Annual Maintenance Contract for maintenance of electrical equipments of 250MW, Unit-7 and 8, PTPS, Panipat. 20246885E6F2 6ABA 4308 923B 8DD8A20F1373713PGC 23-Jan-2025 01:00 PM 29-Jan-2025 03:30 PM
9. Schedule Amendment MCP/2024/DUST 23-Jan-2025 05:00 PM 24-Jan-2025 11:00 AM
10. Corrigendum-II for Services of Ex-BHEL Engineer for servicing of 6.6KV, HT Brakers for 250MW,Unit-8, PTPS, Panipat. 2024B36F62F5 001E 412B 821C EC3CE0D9CB07713PGC 23-Jan-2025 01:00 PM 29-Jan-2025 03:30 PM
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